Sunday, March 1, 2009


It is shows like “Jon and Kate Plus 8” and “17 Kids and Counting” that lure viewers into thinking that they live a luxurious life and have no worries in the world raising a large family. But in reality it is more than a handful and television always distorts reality. I think this may have something to do with “Octo-Mom” having way more kids than she could possibly handle on her own. I think that she is hoping to find herself on rising television show about her and her 14 children, when in fact she will most likely end up with nothing but the responsibility of raising her children on her own.
It would be one thing if she had gotten pregnant naturally, but it is a completely different matter that she got in vitro fertilization while she already six children, three of them being disabled, waiting at home. She went to this doctor fully aware that she could not provide for them once they were born. She was already on welfare and on her own, there is no way she would be able to take care of more children.
It seems to me that she has no idea of what she is really doing. She wants to, according to an article on, use student loans to pay for her children’s necessities. That is most definitely fraud. Then she goes on to downplay her money issue. She claims “it’s only paper”, well she needs that paper or her children will suffer. However, in the middle of her supposed lack of money she was able to, in the first place, afford in vitro fertilization, which is very expensive, and hire a publicist for her while she was in the hospital. It is very difficult for me to figure out what is really important to her.
The article goes on to say that “Octo-mom’s” own mother is “fed up” and refuses to help her daughter when she gets back from the hospital. When your own mother gets “fed up” with you and your ways it is definitely time to take a step back and look at what you are doing. This woman is putting her own wants and desires in front of her children. I think that she needs to sit down and appreciate what she has and quit asking for more, more, more. If she cared for her children she would not have had in vitro fertilization and used that money to buy the everyday needs of her six children that she already had.

1 comment:

fbagube8 said...

I completely agree with what you're saying. It's amazing how people can be so selfish and put their own children's lives at risk. I'm eager to say how things turn out for the "octo mom."